Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The thundering chariot is complete!

We-heyy.....a term's worth of meetings and shit finally came to fruition with the completion of our spring powered dragster! Feast your eyes on this minature hotrod with high density polystyrene body, FDM layered ABS internal parts and a spring that pulls 90 newtons of force in that tiny frame. So far its survived a coupla test runs - so we're trying to tweak it so that it will do better time in the 10 m run. Hell, last we heard, 3 groups broke theirs testing it, and 3 others completely gave up do to their inability to manufacture working parts ( tulah , ponteng solidworks lab lagi). So since we're already on top might as well go for gold and try for best time. As long as it doesn't go "POK" before we do.

Funny dat...

Props to Darren - he made quite an interesting discovery while procrastinating today - you can password lock your blog, but it will still appear on google searches. True, you can't actually access the page unless you know the password, but with lots of time and structured google searches you can actually read the better part of a locked blog on the Google synopsis of the site.

Interesting, no? Try it for yourself - google "amarlicious blogspot" *evil shit-eating grin*

p.s -
Do check out music by The Roots. Very jazzy hip-hop with a lot of soul, and poetic lyrics that actually mean something. That's some real good shizzle right dizzle......

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