Saturday, May 28, 2005

Listening to : Twenty-something - Jamie Cullum
Feeling : Quite irritating back pain. heh heh

Daaymn that was fast. I'm already halfway thru my finals - The Econs and Design papers were rather doable, only not enough time to actually WRITE everything, and the Maths part of ES 180 should be passable ( touch wood) . Only Aesthetics, Thermo/m&c and the other physics paper to go. Yeayy!!

Today was apparently the hottest may day in quite a few years. It was rather sweltering for British weather - a high of 24 or something? Early on syok was like "yeayy sun!!!". A little further into the evening in the 'air-conditioned' grid we were like "pfarrck its hot" while sweating like Afghan whores ( don't those burkhas look hot to you? ). Learnt for a while not to take the COLD for granted for a change.

Holright might as well get some bitching outta the way. Sick of doing thermo anyway for now.
Was having some ' study break drinks ' in the kitchen with some hallmates. I doled out some cocktails, and everyone was just making empty talk abt exams and papers and holidays when someone started going into relationships. Everyone was single then, and then everyone started askin how long their longest relationship was - general answer was around a coupla months la..... and then (sorray again jac) the hongkey biatch who never joined any conversations , much less said 'hi' to anyone in the hall piped in with a cheerful " oh my longest was a year." THen proceeded to ramble on about HEr take on relationships forever. Camla setahun tu panjang sangat.

It wasn't the fact that the herbal crap she was boiling on the stove was bubbling over, OR her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard , OR the fact that she said "my boyfriend" every sentence or so. Its the fact that she was obviously gloating. About her typical hong kong superstar boyfriend. To 4 single girls and a single guy all pumped on caffeine and exam stress. Even when we were rolling our eyes she can't take a hint. Bitch. Ugly bitch. Ugly annoying voiced hongkey bitch. She can go fuck herself with her diamante studded Gucci/Dior/LV dildo. And then gloat to her superstar boyfriend how much better it his than his 2 inch penis.

Ah the balmy summer weather. I can remember the days in Oundle when it meant the fiine ladies from the two girls' houses across the rugby pitch from the house i was in spread out on the field and studied in the sun wearing skimpy little strappy numbers. And we played frisbee on our side and inexplicably ended up on their side in like....2 throws. Tak cover maut.

Not here though. Was just making tea in the kitchen when in the corner of my eye i saw flashes of strap and skin outside on the lawns. ooooOOO-Orrrghh the horror - it was like a bunch of giant mutated extra rotund lobsters had stampeded through Miss Selfridges and picked up some tops on the way. Eeeee sakit mataaaaaaaa.......and as if the visual assault wasn't traumatising enough, the olfactory assault by men and women alike was even worse at the Learning Grid. Woi kalau ketiak peluh segelen tu signal kena mandii laaaa.....daymnnn

Maaan so many classic quotes since the last time i blogged......but in the exam-frazzled state i'm in i can only remember but a few warrgh i remember i had a really good one. Alas, i only remember these:

"My panda is more flexible than yours" - Charl, on comparing emoticons
"chances to touch my kuku are everywhere" - Teck Seng, ramblings during cramming

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