Sunday, May 08, 2005

Listening to : John Legend - Ordinary People
Feeling : summing up everything , ambivalence. hah

Oral hedonism ( yes its food related)...

Well its been a bit of a boring week yup work work gym work work gym .Oh yeah and eat and sleep. The weather has been quite gracious these last coupla days - with minimal rain and bright beautiful sun. Don't simply walk out without your jacket tho - it my be a whopping searing 18 deg. celcius(yes, sarcasm) in the sun, it can ridiculously drop with the damned wind.

As my msn nick has mentioned in the last coupla days , i am a reborn chocoholic - it wasn't some fancy Kschocolat concoction , or a Charbonnel & Walker platter or Valrhona pralines - it was just a simple bar of Green & Black's Dark choc that reeducated me on the bliss of pure chocolate. I better stop putting all that sugar in my tea/coffee if im gonna make room for all the extra chocolate based calories ( yes i'm still counting, and yes, i've lost almost 4 kgs in the last coupla weeks...phwoarr!).

Being stressed is good, but in the end it doesn't really help you get the job done. Nothing like some foodie indulging to chase the unnecessary stress away. Yeaps good ( dark) chocolate helps loads, and some really nice meals helps as well. Been usin my blender a lot to make some nice sauces and drinks. This is a real yummy fruity cocktail i made up on the spot - its so fruity you can really load it up with liqour before you can taste any of it :

Berry Citrusy ( 1 portion)
100 g fresh raspberries
100 g mandarin orange slices
1 cup grape juice
1 shot vanilla liqueur
2 shots rum
ice, and sugar to taste

Instructions? Ingredients + Blender = Drink. Drink + lightweight = amusement.

Yest. Night i made some homemade plum sauce too. Orgasmically yummy on chicken stirfried with just salt and pepper and even better with pan seared salmon. The recipe is totally original . Kylie Kwong aint got nothing on this....

Amar's plum sauce( dont even think of any 'plum' puns, esp you darren) - about 300ml's worth
4 not quite right plums, pips out
about 5 cloves
about 3 strips of cassia/cinnamon bark
2 whole star anise
5 cloves of garlic
half an onion
a shot of shaoxing rice wine
2 shots of vinegar
salt , sugar and lemon juice to taste

Boil everything in just about enough water about half an hour, remove cinnamon, cloves and anise and blend. Should last 2-3 days covered in the fridge.

Yummy recipes, both. Do try them sometime. Back to working. Good boo!

Age quod agis

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