Thursday, May 19, 2005

Mars vs. Venus on blogs, part Deux

Well not really another 'she says, he says' bit , but more of my opinions on blogging in general . Anyone who thinks archiving their most troubled thoughts and innermost musings online, be it through a simple javascript password lock or a bloody 512 bit D.O.D. cipher, and thinks they are safe for all time is dead wrong. It's just plain bad idea to let loose anywhere and assume no one else ( or no one that should ) Whatever happened to confiding in a friend? Or old school lockable diaries? There are things on everyones minds that should just never ever be commited to word or paper or binary data.

"If you've got something to say about me, say it to my face" - that saying usually precedes some major shit hitting the fan, doesn't it? Of course there are those who swing to the other extreme, and there's always another phrase for 'em - " How about a nice cup of sHUT the FUcK uP?". Jeez, again - some things should never , not ever, be said.

Ah, sweet sweet apathy.....

ps- for the next entry i'll promise to revert back to something amusingly sharp-ended , scatological or both in my new pledge to keep my blog entertaining!

Ne nuntium necare

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