Thursday, October 14, 2004

Feelin - aching in places i never knew could ache ( body wise, not any syrupy wishy-washy emotional aches)
Listening to - Kanye West - Jesus Walks ( bum - bum - bum bumbumbum)

Hockay i have a lot of catching up to do again, so bear with me as i do this in my lazy-ass reverse chronological style again...

Adrenaline Overdose

Skipped a tutorial today ( yes i told my tutor in advance and YEs i did all the work) to go for the Warwick Msoc's day trip to Alton Towers. Schweet amusement park - mostly it was pants but they had some good roller coasters alongside all the normal fair-ish crap. Noteworthy mentions -

- The haunted house , where some pillock thought it'll be cool to convert into this laser tag-ish thingy - its like a normal rail ride through a haunted house, except you're busy shooting laser taggers at lights all over the place which is kinda stupid because you don't even notice any of the typical haunted house pop-ups and shit - like they'd actually scare you anyway. And you get points.
- Hex, where you sorta tour part of the old castle 'under restoration' , watch cheesy dramatization of the legend behind the 'curse' on the family who lived there, and end up in a room where they spin the seats and the whole ROOM in a tumble dryer style so that is seems like you're doing complete turns around the room.
- Air and Nemesis - vicious roller coasters - the first straps you in in a crawling position so its like you're flying, and the latter leaves your feet dangling, and its bloody fast and violent. We rode both twice.
- Oblivion - another roller coaster that only has one drop...but its a long vertical one....yeeks.

Despite it raining pretty much the whole damn day, we also got on a load of other rides and had oodles of fun.....

Got back just in time to go off for the fencing session. Beat the team's tresurer and drew with the captain at saber - go me! Need to get a new saber now tho - my blade's got more kinks and bends than a talmuddic jew's sideburns...which means..ANOTHER LONDON RUN!

On top of my game, so far!

Getting a little more into work this week. Had an actual workshop lab, and some math and concepts( mostly the physics and mechanics) work. Totally pimping at the CAD solidworks lab, and doin sweet on the circuit simulators as well. And i'm soo gonna own at the aesthetics of design module i'm taking - its basically the basics of a-level art again with a skosh of engineering considerations- i'll be needing some pretty specific art stuff which i cant find in bloody coventry, which is another excuse for a LONDON RUN!! Just hope i can keep this semangat-ness up. Ganbate!!!

Campus Nightlife?

After the first week, you pretty much know what to expect of the union, and realized that only like, its only worth going like once a week on certain nights, or sometimes two. If nothing else you can always chill at other peoples rooms.....or join hallmates and the fencing team drinking. Man i've got seriously crazy people in my hall....haha the last two drinking games i missed, when i got back one feller was crawling half naked on the floor and one feller was totally passed out in the common room. But they're quite a bit nicer than most of our Linsteadian hallmates.....

Alrighty i better go get some freakin sleep - bloody 9 am lab tomorrow. Night y'all - probably see you all again this weekend hmmn?

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