Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Another overdue update.....

Last week has been kinda busy, interesting AnD fun! Lets see...where to start -ooh how about a little rant to warm up. Jac, for the duration of the next rant you are a SINGAPOREAN, aight!

Freaking Hongkeys!!

Good god in heaven - what the fUcKiNG HELL is wrong with those people!!! All the hongkeys i've ever met through Oundle, Imperial and Warwick are outright utter abberations of human nature!! Seriously - they go all out to stand out - from fuckin annoying fake accents, dressing to the point where even vivienne westwood would even say " oh puh-lease dahling", dragonball hairstyles and whatnot. They are of course bitterly clannish, refuse to speak english unless its a life-or death thing and talk like they got loudhailers for nostrils and ALWAYS sit on the outer empty seat on buses and trains.

There are quite a few Warwick blogs ( all students are encourage to keep blogs on campus servers) that condemn their unwillingness to conform and the quality of their english, and a few of my M'sian friends have also noted icy 'cari pasal' stares of death from said hongkeys whenever they are seen with some of the pretty-ish hong-kong girls. They are also soo short on social graces - they chew like open wood mulchers, have halitosis that can melt a biohazard suit and they have no concept of what a queue is. wAArrgh - instead of spending their money on their oh-so tacky digs and LV and Gucci they should hire a whole army of finishing school instructors to whip them into passable humans. Jeez

Aaaah that felt good. Now we return to our regularly scheduled blogging... ( okay jac you can start reading again)

A Week In Words

Thursday - Pretty much relaxed day. Caught up with some Management and Manufacturing reading, and went to the International Society's HEAT event that night - arabic, salsa, greek, bhangra etc. Wasnt as fun as the last HeAT during orientation, but that was party because despite intense badgering, the only person Nadia and i could get to go was Taib. All the others bloody didnt come or FFK.

Friday - A helluva long day - was out from 1100 to 2300. Started out with another CAD lab, then lectures from 2-6 with one break in between. Then Taib and i had to go straight to meet up with the other fencers for the fencing social - all you can eat chinese in coventry. Pretty darned good for 12 pounds. Got back stupidly stuffed.

Saturday - Slept in, then lepak in Coventry with taib - he went to get a haircut, but ended up hair-cutless but with a new pair of shoes- hahaha. I just checked out the asian market there and got some stuff to cook dinner and instant noodles. Rained the whole bloody there tho. That night made thai sweet basil beef, sayur campur and rice for dinner - Wave, kiok sin, nadia and cheryl joined. Plans to meet up with some other jokers for drinks later didnt work out due to some ' communication ' problems - hee hee hee. Tesco was closed to so no one drank. Sadness.

Sunday - Woke up late the next day - just in time to get some 'work' done, and then went to the gym with Nadia. Suey like kok - the minute i left the hall it started raning like mad, and the second i got there it stopped. Ahh....forgot how shiok it was to bukak puasa with a nice swig of water when you're dying on the treadmill.....Cooked again that night ( baked pandan chicken - no oil - not nearly as pandan-ish) for the same party sans Kiok.

Monday - Kinda panicked when we all learnt that the Aesthetics of design coursework was due that day. Sommore couldn't finish it before 12 because of the Warwick MSA AGM. Luckily many ppl had problems with the online submission so i hope they'll be lenient with it. Finally - my knowledge of artists and designer products came in handy.

Also learnt about the AGM at the very last minute - went there just to see how it went. Had absolutely no intention of running for anything - until i saw that there was a post specially for running Mnite and their other cultural events the cultural officer. So on the spot i cooked up a bloody cock speech ( actually used only half of it) and i got the post! yay! I'm not gonna let the fact that it was 3 ppl running for 2 spots take away the glory but there - haha at least the other winner was last year's one who ran again. At least got someone to clean up after me! Semangatness!!!

Tuesday - normal-ish - got my new epee from leon paul(sweeeeet). Normal lectures, normal work . Can't wait to christen my epee tonight with some serious bruising!!!

Thats it for now.....the next week should also be fairly interesting, what with the first commitee meeting and Soul Nation on friday...yay

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