Friday, October 15, 2004

Bleurgh - obviously, a whole day in the cold cold rain at Alton Towers yesterday didn't do much good. Woke up with headaches and a bitch of a sore throat - obviously felt fookin 'orrible. To top it off, my wisdom teeth have picked this moment to come out - praying like hell its gonna be pain and problem free.

Speaking of waking up, i was so dead tired after the day out and fencing too, that i slept through both my alarms. Luckily, i happened to open my eyes as the clock was at 8.55 - i had a 9.00 lab. Clocked a new record - from bed to lab in just about 6 minutes....... just threw on some random clothes and ran like fuck...luckily it was only a solidworks CAD lab, and i was wayy ahead on that particular assignment......

I guess i'll be coming down to London Friday night cos Leon Paul closes early on saturdays, and thats the main reason i'm coming down this time.....hmn....who to crash with ar?

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