Friday, April 22, 2005

Sleepless in Warwick

eeRRgh can't tell wether its my screwed up clock, or those three mugs of tea (which is pretty much piss caffeine-wise, since i normally drink espressos ) or some other elusive reason but i just can't fall asleep right abt now. Considering that i've pretty much drained myself at the gym the other evening, ( lembik selembik cacing mati) i should have fallen asleep just like that **snaps fingers**. It really sucks to drone through your super-pancit state to read Manufacturing and do peer assesment of other groups' dragster proposals and then when you finally get to drop in blink and toss and turn for 2 hours. Time now? about 6.15 am. And i have another group meeting at 11. curses.

First Soul Nation at the union tonight where entry's restricted just to Warwick students. Apparently all through the last 2 terms there has been problems with outsiders from the general midlands area comin in and causin all sorts of trouble - they used to have like, police vans around at every last SN... we-heel big whoop. Give me oone good reason to go - If you'd excuse me i'll just spend another quiet night in with my notes. I might sound like i'm turning into a frumpy grumpy gimp, but i guess its high time i sacrificed a little more instant gratification to redeem my honor. ** do i hear a "ZigacTLy!" from about 100 miles yea south?** ;P haha kan dah puas puas to the max melepak/memasak/beromong/beronggeng di London, bah?( or is it "sih"?)

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