Saturday, April 23, 2005


So far my (overly ambitious) plan to cut down on coke is progressing somewhat satisfactorily...In this whole week i've only had a cup of diet coke and a can of pepsi ( does that even count). But i'm sure i'm equally catching up on those caffeine quotas with all the tea im drinking.

I've also gotten even more picky about what i eat. I'm still spending too much money at Tesco's eating 'well' ( Lotsa cheese, meats, fruit and veg ). Well, as long as improves my overall health and focus hmmn? - along with my new cardio-crazy gym regiment.

Okay in the end i wavered and did go down to the union for Soul Nation. I'm not sure weather its the fact that i dah puas clubbing kat London, or really really had no mood that day, or just the plain fact that the SN playlist is getting boringly repetetive. Either way, i'm more than happy just to consign myself to quietly toiling away in quiet, boring Westwood.

There was something else earlier i wanted to blog, but i forgot. It'll probably come back to me later.

Oh yeah i'm trying out this new thing for a while - ending every entry with a random proverb from a foreign language. Something original for a change, yesno?

Virtus sola nobilitat - Latin, "Virtue alone ennobles"

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