Monday, September 27, 2004

aaAalrighty then ...

I meant to post last thursday because i was in SUCH a good mood - explanation to follow - but then a chain of events started, further extending my ridiculously good run of bad luck . Here's a quick breakdown of what happened

Saturday - flew into London with my dad
Monday - Stayed over at Coventry
Tuesday - Signed up for the orientation program, dad buggered off to london for meetings
Weds, Thurs - fun fun fun on the orientation program
Friday - went down to London - met up with Darren, Fong May,Lim, Lu and Jac. Stayed over.
Saturday - Still in London. Stayed over again
Sunday - Made it back to campus

Now to fill in the gaps....

Of course, being in close proximity to my father for extended periods of time, especially travel, can be highly stressful- nuff said about the first coupla days then. When i got to the orientation registration, i still didn't have a student number because the UCAS clearing info hasn't gone through yet. I was given keys to Claycroft, a nice hall near the center campus, and i was told it was gonna be a permanent fix but the paperwork comes later because i wasn't on the system officially yet. I later found out that i'd get my student number the next day, so i can enrol online in time to make the actual enrolment friday ( you had to enter your details online first) .

soooo i proceeded to participate in the orientation program. Malaysian # 1 - a cempakan junior who somehow recognized me - shivers. Malaysian # 2 - a random postgrad. Then it picked up - a whole whack of people from Taylors and many others too. Of course, there were the international students too. A buttload of exchange students from Eastern Europe and Germany especially, and India Indians who spoke better english than the local indians. Amusing reminder of IC - a bruneian called Lu ( Lutfi) and another German Kristina.

The programme basically consists of meals around campus, tours , speeches and parties at night in a massive marquis with performances like salsa, african drums and the like. There was also a tour of Stratford-on-Avon ( Couldn't get on the Oxford one cause it was overbooked and i was late because i forgot my ticket) . The really fun bit was the International Society's clubbing do at the union on thursday - loads of great music ( well by my account anyway) - arabic, bhangra, latin american etc etc. Let's just say i made up for the last few months of really bad clubbing aaaAAiiii! Haha some people thought i actually had dance training. Kembang giler!!

After my legs cannot tahan anymore i wernt back la - i was just about to blog after checking my mail when i got an email confirming that the accoms office had made a mistake - i was actually in another hall - catered with horrible food and the furthest from the main campus. cOCKS. So the next day i had to move out to the other hall -

Problem 1 - i had already stocked up on food for the next week
Problem 2 - the accoms office couldn't get me any transport that day

After a couple of hours of suffering i finally managed to shuttle everything over and i joined a couple of the guys in Coventry before bouncing off to London to see the jokers up there and pick up some of my stuff. I was ready to crash for the night - got a quick overnight bag but i ended up staying till sunday because of rail works on the Euston -Coventry route. At least i didn't have to come back again Sunday cos only then we could get access to Ee wen's place.

After repacking and resorting my stuff i got on the train back carrying bout 70-80 kg of my stuff. Needless to say, i was in pain by the time i got back to Westwood. Furthermore, i missed some little orientation things on the weekend, and also a hall meeting earlier today - haven't met too many of my hallmates as most of them came over the weekend. Got some major socializing to catch up on.

Amar's Bad Luck Checklist

Lets see what hit me in the last couple of weeks -
1. The whole visa fracas
2. The major fuckup by the Warwick accoms office
3. Despite informing the bank in advance of my address change, my bank card still got swallowed
4. had to go mangy for the weekend because of the totally random railworks.
5. umm.........cannot remember.....
6. I seriously swear there were 6.....just a bit tired to remember now.

There had better be a whole fuckload of good karma coming my way. If i semangat i post some photos soon from the orientation. Till then i'll just brace myself for the next wave of bad luck.

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