Listening to: Can I Have It Like That - Pharell ft. Gwen Stefani
Man that song is catchy, but whatever they paid Gwen, it was too much - cmon she just said 5 freakin words and appeared a bit in the video. Also in heavy rotation on my playlist : Madonna's Hung Up,(daaamn power dancing) B.E.P's My Humps , Alicia Keys unplugged, the new Jamie Cullum album & Anuar Zain yesiknowjiwangshutthefuckup.....
*clears throat*
Haih lets settle the boring shit before i get on to the rants... and oh yeah and the bit on raya + photos is at the veeeeeery end - kalau memang malas baca skip onlyy....
Sangheeta led a whole whack of us for a deepavali night dinner at an indian palace in town. Forgot the name of the place, but remember one thing - they may have had a fuckload of original, tasty dishes, but they didnt.have.fuckin.lassi. How can an indian place not have lassi? rrrgh. The goddamned drizzle didnt stop us from setting off fireworks later at hearsall common. Magnificent sight i tell you - a posse of somewhat damp 20+ year old uni students, running away like bitches from roman candles that couldnt kill a fly.
The supposed brainstorming for Mnite? More like a " lets shoot down the kwai lou Cultural Officer's idea like the crows outside Jasima/Rhasta " session. True, i was against the idea from the onset because an Edgar Allan Poe play ( even the Bergkoff version) , no matter how much you try and dress it down is still just wrong - but once the pres started to comment about the fact that it *might* not be the most suitable idea, it was open season. Some of the criticism was juuust a little bit too personal. I'd be pretty smashed too if everyone was soo enthusiastic ( albeit clueless) in the beginning and completely did a 180 later on. Hope he does go on doing the workshops and directing the play ( recently confirmed as a super typical formulaic Mnite love story - hey if it aint broke, don't fix it!).
So much for bullet point updates. Now for the ReAL rants.
En Garde, pret, Alle!
From Oundle to Imperial, most of the people who fenced were quite serious about it - well i'm sure you have to to have endured all that strict salle style training ( the rotund, mutton chop-sideburned coach in Oundle actually freakin taped the foil pommel to my wrist and made me play stricly defensively for 2 weeks because i played too much offense ) and hardcore footwork drills. Sommore out of the fencers in IC quite a lot of the non-novices have been doing it for 1 feller who used to be on the UK under 16 team, some hongkeys who also did serious training in Brit boarding schools, and even a Singaporean from Raffles Junior *koff* who had massive Raffles logo on the back of his jacket.Haih. Generally most of the kuai lous who fence are also a bit the posh ppl who come from boarding schools as well( yes Puteri baru you tauu...)
Warwick's a different story though. For some reason, a lot of people randomly join fencing for fucks, and a lot of them quite condemn lor... Seriously - i'm not just being mean( like i usually give a damn when i am) but its like most of the people who join fencing here are:
1. Physically uncoordinated & incapable of other sports, and were lured by the tagline where fencing's described as " chess with brawns". Normally they don't stay on very long when they discover its in fact, like playing squash - Wearing thick, heavy jackets - and you hit each other-Hard. You need to move fast, and your legs need to do weird things. Oh yeah and being a fatass makes you soo much easier to hit too.
2. Sad loser type people who try to make up for their social inadequacies and general ineffectiveness by joining things where they think they can live out their empowering warrior fantasies ( battle renactment society, kendo, fencing, etc ) , not realizing that if they DID live in "the good old days" they wouldn't have had the balls and drive to rise above being peasants or stable bitches. Whatever they join, they just do it poorly and then bitch and moan about how they would have been "someone" in those "good old days".
3. People who find obscure sports to join, for the sole purpose of mucking about and running uncontested for the exec. comm of the sport. I swear - outside of the Mens' and Womens' captains, all the comm members hardly fence at all. And when they do, they realized quickly why they dont.
With all these idiots filling up the spots in the soc, the hall can be a bit too crowded sometimes to have proper bouts on the electric pistes, and the coach is usually too busy with novices to polish up the vets. With that in mind, the vets are getting a bit of a raw deal, arent they? We pay 20quid a term for coaching and kit, while we get very little coaching, and we mostly have our own kit. Balls i say.
The other day ran into a prefect example of #2. Kept following whoever he fought around the hall going on and on about himself and all the other "warriorlike" shit that he does. Yup i kena also. He keeps doing this damn cheap thing where he just slides the weapon tip along the floor like a broom and goes for your toes ( yup, epeeist). It wouldn't work on a proper insulated piste - if you hit the floor its an off-target , and well, its just that NOBODY DOES THAT. Mahai like youla Wave, play tekken all the way block and low kick only hahahaha. And that sohai still wonders why all the vets he fenced goes out juuust that extra mile to actually injure him. Haha he couldn't even take the hint when i played extra ganas so i just capped him right in the knee. Padan muka. Just like the hongkey who kept fouling and hitting my leg ( pain weii) so i charged him, purposely missed and knocked the mo'fucker down with the guard to his face- and the best part was i didn't even get fouled/carded for that. Muahaha.
I love fencing. What other sport gives you a good workout and stress relief in one shot. Cmon - give me another sport where you hit people with metal sticks for points.
More snippy, less talky...
Got a haircut at Toni & Guy the other day. After goin to several different T&Gs over the last coupla years, i've realised that they have a pretty much preset guideline of questions to ask to initiate typical hairdresser banter, which makes it even more annoying. I don't go to T&Gs to talk fluff with peroxide blondes with too much makeup or have a shampoo with all the theraputic finesse of an electric parut kelapa ( even the paria chinese barber i used to go to with me old man last time gave yummy head.....waiit for it...... massages with the shampooing) - i go to get a half decent haircut. Next time i'm just gonna bring out a printout of my Friendster page, shove it to my stylist and tell her to only open her mouth if its about my hair. Of course, if i REALly did that she'd probably botch up my cut on purpose and i could end up looking like a hongkey...the horrOR!! *yes Jac blah blah singaporean blah blah*
i could have sworn i have one more rant left....its just as well i dont remember it now. Another day, perhaps.
Raya was t3h R0x0rZ
Yup - raya this year was ser-weet. First of all, thanks to The House of Charl for puttin me up for the weekend again! Next time i cook for you all, mmkays? - well after another round at Addies and Masala Zone, that is.
On saturday, pretty much spent the whole afternoon at Tuan Syed's open house. SUPER yummy home cooked food - and biscuits and cakes as well! Semakin popular wei..haha every year got more non-scholars datang - must be the cornflake biscuits hmmn? Oh yeah and sorrraay Su and Puts for being schoooo late - at least i can blame 20 mins of it on that goddamned picaddily line delay.
On Sunday a bunch of us crashed the Brunei high comm and ate our fill ( the food was serious sedap porno giler - THREE types of rice....THREE!!..and the lamb!!!) before faffing off to the MSD do in some random hall near Whiteleys. Nasib baik we already kenyang - we arrived just about 3 hours into the thing, and the rice was gone - just really bad ayam masak merah and dhall. Sommore we heard earlier on because of the health and safety regs of the place, they had bouncers to stop people from coming in and also ask people to leave. Rosak giler man the raya mood. Brunei high comm meriah giler - almost everyone was in raya finery, and there was raya music, and it was a very warm cosy place. Total opposite at the malaysia hall do. At least jumpa orang laa....
Eh i'm damn cock tired la....i'll just whack up the photos and call it a day, okay? Peace out , much love ( esp if you've read EVERYTHING).
If it isn't my darling neph..niece and fellow Oundelian!!
Oh shit Malaysians! Hide the food bah!
Cempakan's fo' life
The lads ngan Tuan Syed
Le Femmes, + kerol saja nak kacau.
A-Levels/BTU 2001 - Full time scholars, part time poseurs.
Man that song is catchy, but whatever they paid Gwen, it was too much - cmon she just said 5 freakin words and appeared a bit in the video. Also in heavy rotation on my playlist : Madonna's Hung Up,(daaamn power dancing) B.E.P's My Humps , Alicia Keys unplugged, the new Jamie Cullum album & Anuar Zain yesiknowjiwangshutthefuckup.....
*clears throat*
Haih lets settle the boring shit before i get on to the rants... and oh yeah and the bit on raya + photos is at the veeeeeery end - kalau memang malas baca skip onlyy....
Sangheeta led a whole whack of us for a deepavali night dinner at an indian palace in town. Forgot the name of the place, but remember one thing - they may have had a fuckload of original, tasty dishes, but they didnt.have.fuckin.lassi. How can an indian place not have lassi? rrrgh. The goddamned drizzle didnt stop us from setting off fireworks later at hearsall common. Magnificent sight i tell you - a posse of somewhat damp 20+ year old uni students, running away like bitches from roman candles that couldnt kill a fly.
The supposed brainstorming for Mnite? More like a " lets shoot down the kwai lou Cultural Officer's idea like the crows outside Jasima/Rhasta " session. True, i was against the idea from the onset because an Edgar Allan Poe play ( even the Bergkoff version) , no matter how much you try and dress it down is still just wrong - but once the pres started to comment about the fact that it *might* not be the most suitable idea, it was open season. Some of the criticism was juuust a little bit too personal. I'd be pretty smashed too if everyone was soo enthusiastic ( albeit clueless) in the beginning and completely did a 180 later on. Hope he does go on doing the workshops and directing the play ( recently confirmed as a super typical formulaic Mnite love story - hey if it aint broke, don't fix it!).
So much for bullet point updates. Now for the ReAL rants.
En Garde, pret, Alle!
From Oundle to Imperial, most of the people who fenced were quite serious about it - well i'm sure you have to to have endured all that strict salle style training ( the rotund, mutton chop-sideburned coach in Oundle actually freakin taped the foil pommel to my wrist and made me play stricly defensively for 2 weeks because i played too much offense ) and hardcore footwork drills. Sommore out of the fencers in IC quite a lot of the non-novices have been doing it for 1 feller who used to be on the UK under 16 team, some hongkeys who also did serious training in Brit boarding schools, and even a Singaporean from Raffles Junior *koff* who had massive Raffles logo on the back of his jacket.Haih. Generally most of the kuai lous who fence are also a bit the posh ppl who come from boarding schools as well( yes Puteri baru you tauu...)
Warwick's a different story though. For some reason, a lot of people randomly join fencing for fucks, and a lot of them quite condemn lor... Seriously - i'm not just being mean( like i usually give a damn when i am) but its like most of the people who join fencing here are:
1. Physically uncoordinated & incapable of other sports, and were lured by the tagline where fencing's described as " chess with brawns". Normally they don't stay on very long when they discover its in fact, like playing squash - Wearing thick, heavy jackets - and you hit each other-Hard. You need to move fast, and your legs need to do weird things. Oh yeah and being a fatass makes you soo much easier to hit too.
2. Sad loser type people who try to make up for their social inadequacies and general ineffectiveness by joining things where they think they can live out their empowering warrior fantasies ( battle renactment society, kendo, fencing, etc ) , not realizing that if they DID live in "the good old days" they wouldn't have had the balls and drive to rise above being peasants or stable bitches. Whatever they join, they just do it poorly and then bitch and moan about how they would have been "someone" in those "good old days".
3. People who find obscure sports to join, for the sole purpose of mucking about and running uncontested for the exec. comm of the sport. I swear - outside of the Mens' and Womens' captains, all the comm members hardly fence at all. And when they do, they realized quickly why they dont.
With all these idiots filling up the spots in the soc, the hall can be a bit too crowded sometimes to have proper bouts on the electric pistes, and the coach is usually too busy with novices to polish up the vets. With that in mind, the vets are getting a bit of a raw deal, arent they? We pay 20quid a term for coaching and kit, while we get very little coaching, and we mostly have our own kit. Balls i say.
The other day ran into a prefect example of #2. Kept following whoever he fought around the hall going on and on about himself and all the other "warriorlike" shit that he does. Yup i kena also. He keeps doing this damn cheap thing where he just slides the weapon tip along the floor like a broom and goes for your toes ( yup, epeeist). It wouldn't work on a proper insulated piste - if you hit the floor its an off-target , and well, its just that NOBODY DOES THAT. Mahai like youla Wave, play tekken all the way block and low kick only hahahaha. And that sohai still wonders why all the vets he fenced goes out juuust that extra mile to actually injure him. Haha he couldn't even take the hint when i played extra ganas so i just capped him right in the knee. Padan muka. Just like the hongkey who kept fouling and hitting my leg ( pain weii) so i charged him, purposely missed and knocked the mo'fucker down with the guard to his face- and the best part was i didn't even get fouled/carded for that. Muahaha.
I love fencing. What other sport gives you a good workout and stress relief in one shot. Cmon - give me another sport where you hit people with metal sticks for points.
More snippy, less talky...
Got a haircut at Toni & Guy the other day. After goin to several different T&Gs over the last coupla years, i've realised that they have a pretty much preset guideline of questions to ask to initiate typical hairdresser banter, which makes it even more annoying. I don't go to T&Gs to talk fluff with peroxide blondes with too much makeup or have a shampoo with all the theraputic finesse of an electric parut kelapa ( even the paria chinese barber i used to go to with me old man last time gave yummy head.....waiit for it...... massages with the shampooing) - i go to get a half decent haircut. Next time i'm just gonna bring out a printout of my Friendster page, shove it to my stylist and tell her to only open her mouth if its about my hair. Of course, if i REALly did that she'd probably botch up my cut on purpose and i could end up looking like a hongkey...the horrOR!! *yes Jac blah blah singaporean blah blah*
i could have sworn i have one more rant left....its just as well i dont remember it now. Another day, perhaps.
Raya was t3h R0x0rZ
Yup - raya this year was ser-weet. First of all, thanks to The House of Charl for puttin me up for the weekend again! Next time i cook for you all, mmkays? - well after another round at Addies and Masala Zone, that is.
On saturday, pretty much spent the whole afternoon at Tuan Syed's open house. SUPER yummy home cooked food - and biscuits and cakes as well! Semakin popular wei..haha every year got more non-scholars datang - must be the cornflake biscuits hmmn? Oh yeah and sorrraay Su and Puts for being schoooo late - at least i can blame 20 mins of it on that goddamned picaddily line delay.
On Sunday a bunch of us crashed the Brunei high comm and ate our fill ( the food was serious sedap porno giler - THREE types of rice....THREE!!..and the lamb!!!) before faffing off to the MSD do in some random hall near Whiteleys. Nasib baik we already kenyang - we arrived just about 3 hours into the thing, and the rice was gone - just really bad ayam masak merah and dhall. Sommore we heard earlier on because of the health and safety regs of the place, they had bouncers to stop people from coming in and also ask people to leave. Rosak giler man the raya mood. Brunei high comm meriah giler - almost everyone was in raya finery, and there was raya music, and it was a very warm cosy place. Total opposite at the malaysia hall do. At least jumpa orang laa....
Eh i'm damn cock tired la....i'll just whack up the photos and call it a day, okay? Peace out , much love ( esp if you've read EVERYTHING).







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