Sunday, October 30, 2005

Karma, parte un

This obviously hasn't really been my week.

Just got outta the kitchen - thought i'd make the sambal udang for the nasi lemak tomorrow while i was cooking sahur so tomorrow can relax a bit. Earlier today already damn semangat go East West to get pandan and the raw prawns. I don't know whether it was because i broke the petua melayu not to cook while you're angry, or the Big Guy was subtly telling me "no, you're not the best goddamn chef in this 'hood, bitch." - but i kena fuck upside down in the kitchen.

Started makin the sambal tumis from scratch as usual la...chucked everything in the blender. Firstly, the goddamn jar of tamarind won't open - bang bang cannot open, held the lid under hot water cannot open also. In the end had to literally cook the screw top on the hob and pry it open using gloves. A fuckin jar of tamarind cost me 10 minutes in the kitchen. Popped open and spilt a fair bit on the floor.

Then, still stressed from that, i put the pot on the fire and put in the oil, taking for granted that it had already been put to dry. It wasnt. MAAAhai hot oil spurting everywhere and the cover was right next to the pan. Had to wait for all the goddamn water to finish popping away.

Halfway through cooking it, tasted damn different. Made it exactly like how i did last summer in london but it tasted fucking diffrent for some reason. So i popped open one of the ready made sambal tumis packs and added it. Nope , still fucked up. Then when i tried to add some salt the whole goddamn tube hancur and a fucking bigass heap of salt fell into the pot. Serious fucking heart pain. After manually gettin all the salt i could out, and diluting the whole pot 3 times over, its still fucked up. Just left it on the stove, and see if i'll just make something else to go with the nasi lemak tomorow. Utter cock.

Still can't shake the background stress from the impending courseworks. Hydro coursework no one's really sure about the constraints of the design, and the Business coursework has us searching high and low for our group leader and me waiting for someone to read their mail. I swear if i didn't let loose at Pure on friday i sure giler already one.

Don't you just hate the tossers who fuckin take up an extra seat on the bus? Some of them sit like they've got a pair of tennis balls in their crotch, some of them blisfully sit on the outer seat, and some nicely park their satchels/bags/shopping on the seat next to them. Extra points for having headphones on, giving you an excuse to blatantly ignore the people staring cock at you while swaying like a monkey on the bars sifting for a seat. I'd hafta say that at least 70% of the time its fuckin asians. Fuck 'em.

Better be gettin some sleep before a helluva packed Sunday. Boohbyee

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