Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Whoaa....what a week...
ANywaY first things first - IC's mNite 2004 was the biZoMB!! A big hand to all the other performers and people involved - and to the audience too - another sold-out year. yaaaay. Too bad the performers couldn't get to see much of it cos the mat sallehs screwed up the supposed live broadcast to the dressing rooms so now we hafta wait till next year for the damned DVD.Decided the after party at opium was not gonna be worth the trouble so went with the original idea of just chillin out in the hall with the linstead crew. Hahaha probably had more fun there then we would have had clubbin - had a weird ( possibly champagne aided) singalong session to the cheesiest songs till like... 5 in the morning. Amused by charlotte's and fong mays extensive memory of cheesy song lyrics , then disturbed by alex's equally extensive memory of cartoon themes. THen caught up on some sweeet sweet sleep. Then started on the normal sunday-tuesday last minute work frenzy.....errrghhh.

Mann....just when we thought all the quintesentially malaysian sucking up and politicking was over they announced the start of nominations for the mSoc posts next year......haha it will be veeery interesting to just sit back and watch sOmE people desperately and shamelessly claw ( and suck ) their way through. Then again, i might just be tempted to run for committee...

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