Thursday, March 18, 2004

Top of 'tha mornin' to 'ya lads and lassies!

St. Patty's day in the hall was kinda a crazy ang mor kind of way....haha talked soo much random rubbish and played soooo many stupid games with the singaporeans, m'sians and the locals as well. OF course, being St. Patrick's day, most of the lads were drunk off their rockers with Guiness. Played loaaads of foosball as well - yup...all through the night. Suffice to say, i didn't get any work done. Memorable highlights of the night include charlotte being bullied ( among other things )by the re-apps at foosball , the *sheath* ( don't ask) and someone putting a table, potted plant, traffic cones and a Yellow Pages (?) in the hall lift. Absolute hilarity.

The "Nirwana" party at Tantra the other day wasnt too bad, altho last term's was better i'd say. Quite a few of the 1st and 2nd year m'sians were there, along with the same 'ol faces - ex oundelians, the odd ex-cempakan etc. Kinda getting bored and jaded of clubbing ( no seeEEriously). Highlights? - the absurd prices of drinks there ( 200pounds-ish for a bottle of Moet - must've been LOaaaDs of big spenders there that night - haha they practically announce it whenever someone opens a bottle 'cos they serve it with really loud sparkly fireworks) and a random pop-ish malay song they played near the end. Haha some of the IC guys were reallly gettin dowwnnn.....

Maaan i can't wait till the end of term. Despite catching up on more sleep and going out less....i'm really wearin thin. I can only take soo much more of being hunched over like a gargoyle and churning out code ( that doesnt even freakin work) at 3 in the morning and the last minute coursework runs. I just wanna tie up all the loose ends by next week so i can just cruiiise through the last coupla days.

OOohhh yeah remembered a really funny random story from last week at the labs.... a few coursemates were trying to outdo each other in a strange, strange game of changing their department login passwords to progressively longer and more complicated ones( yup - us computing people are kinda sad ). The winner? our weird yr1 rep with a 30+ character long alphanumeric password. The funny bit? He couldn't remember it 5 mins later and the fool had to trundle off to CSG and had to get it reset ( not a very fun thing to do).

Anyways.....its back to a freakin Reasoning/Programming coursework for me.....fruor vividus excedere!

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