Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Managed to drag along Charl and Lionel to Janji Joni, along with Daim & Sze for the 6.50 show on Thurs. It wAs rather good wasn't it? Managed to pick up even more jokes and visual subtleties this time as i needn't bother with the subs anymore. Not kidding - seriously go catch it.

Joined ze happy couple and family for dinner later at Chez Pinky. Crabs, crabs, crabs and their Spanish holiday pictures - some real arty shots there, dude! Sempat main congkak also hahaha.

Sohai idiots at Dell. 5-7 working days my ass. Tracked my order made on last friday and it was still at the processing stage- still pre-prod, kitting, building and testing to go. The Dell rep said that there was some problems with the Amex payment, but then i checked with Amex and there was no attempt at such transactions. I reverified the payment details with Dell and they all checked out. Probably some asswipe in Finance forgot to put my payment through because he was busy thinking about his WoW character. Seriously gotta sound those bitches again tomorrow.

Met up with Naz, Puts & Su, then went off to have dinner at Muhibbah ( yummy! ) followed by lin chee kang, satay and shisha at rhasta. As usual, slowly wobbled into deep discussions on courting and relationships after the compulsory bitching about some random guy that i'm just hella glad isnt me. That and the fact Su likes stabbing onions when she has to tahan going to the ladies'..hor hor hor.

Conventions of Complexity

The Game, The Chase, The Project or whatever you call it, has obviously evolved over the ages - and just gotten more fucked up. Lets go with an example of a discussion on said topic.

Disclaimer: following discussion and related rant is a purely mentally generated simulation based on the tenets of most common arguments/discussions based on input data from many , many past conversations. Suffice to say, this is more for entertainment rather than serious thought , and in no way biographical - im sure many of you can relate.

1. Women say chivalry is dead , along with romance in a double homicide.
2. The men's rebuttal is that its hard to be all that, with women becoming 'empowered' and all and just taking what they want as a result of feminism and equality using their feminine wiles. Basically they're just saying women aren't really that innocent & ladylike anymore, thus not being deserving of over-the-top gentlemanliness.
3. The women come back with the fact that they have to use what they have to even the playing field in terms of career potential in what is still a male dominated business world, and more importantly, get back at the men who play for sport, thusly throwing the blame back at the men.
4. Suddenly the men pull a vunerablity card, saying that women also cause their fair, if not more, share of heartbreak and lovelorn men who go on to do stupid things like commit suicide, or god forbid, pen awful songs of undying dedication and love.

Repeat various permutations and variations of 1-4, until we have a stalemate and everyone shuts up, all grumpy and shit. The next day, boyfriends buy flowers, and husbands buy jewelry. Which makes no sense, as usually only single people engage in such discussions. Couples in the company or vicinity of such exchanges usually slink away or form that impenetrable bubble of couplyness.

Still on a related note, our generation's a helluva lot more connected than our parents - handphones enable a lot more private conversations, email and MSN combine with SMS to enable gossip to spread around the world at ridiculous speeds. Gossip, bitching, and stories that are bound to evolve at every point of transfer, possibly turning from an impressive story to an incriminating one.

How that hooks up to the previous subject? While knowledge is power, too much of it just fucks things up. Anyone spends too much time with anybody else of the opposite sex, rumours start flying all over the fuckin world which screws things up either way : if they're seriously just friends, one or both might get paranoid and defensive, and if one is seriously going after the other, a bit faktap jugak kan?

Is all this super gossip sabotageness bitchifying thing an inherently Malaysian thing? Human nature should logically dictate not, but you just can't help but feel outta your own observation or some subconcious prejudice that it has to vary between racial or class groups( or certain schools/colleges for that matter) . Maybe its just the particular groups of people. Whatever. At the end of the day, hypocrites and haters are just everywhere, and the most dangerous ones are the ones that are actually nice to you to your face. People who are so fucked up and bitter that they have to find someone's parade to rain on just to feel better about their miserable, repressed lives. Well you might say this doesn't apply when the subject of bitching is himself or herself a primo grando bitch/bastard , but then again, being completely subjective, they're always two sides to every story innit?

Wouldn't it be nice to go back to the way things were. Nope, i'm not talking about the sepia-toned innocence of our grandparents generation. I'm not talking about medieval tales of knights and damsels either. I'm talking mammoth hunts and stone spears. Societal and gender roles couldn't be simpler back then. No nightmarish web of social status and interactions, no technology so that people expect things there and then. No bitching behing each others back - you have problem with Ugg, take club, deck Ugg. If Trogg can!(or better yet, grunt urg grungt Ugg- growwlll...cant have much gossip when your vocab is just 10 different grunts, and gestures kan?). Just homo sapiens sapiens living off the earth by his instincts. Where men are happy to hunt and women take care of the young without complain, just as we were physiologically and psychologically tailored for by the big guy( or girl, or omnipotent genderless creator being, whatever)up there. I'm sure no one can argue with that.

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