Monday, February 28, 2005


Behold, for he hath risen again from umm.....4 months of not blogging? Seribu ampun tuan tuan dan puan puan, my loyal ( and also occasional) readership. I can't really say i had a really good excuse........for a while i was just going with my "dont blog while you're riled up because you'll just rant for ages " rule........then for a while i was just genuinely busy.After that i just fell out of practice. Never mind all that - whatever it is i'm back aand lovin it. Site overhaul( or at least a color scheme change?) to follow.

ANd now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.....

And in the last episode...

Listening to : Javier - October Sky
Feeling : cold/hyper/artsy

Lets see.......this is gonna be a tough recap. Lemme just try do do a quick scan, by the month.


  • - Had X-Raya. The play i wrote was predictably rubbish, but the cast's gung-ho-ness and improvisation kinda saved it. The performances and carollers were stellar tho. Word. Spent 40 quid on a non-functioning slave at the charity auction-heh. At least its helping out some kids in some random orphanage in Kelantan so they can grow up big an strong and add to the army of narrow visionless bigots running the Opposition.
  • - Made it for IC's annual Raya dinner and caught up with the merry old Londoners. Played domestic servant ( or at least chef and snoring machine) to 26 Underground for a week while they still ran about on their term time activities(smirk).
  • - Back in Malaysia - rocked the casbah with the apiitians and other ex-cemps & company having their messed-up southern hemisphere summer. Lotsa old-school fun, late nights, cocktalking and the like. Strewth! Nostalgia to follow.
  • - All those ulcers? I swear they dissappeared overnight after *that*. Must be the shoulder beating while driving or the slamming doors hmmn?
  • - Waris' 29th! All hail the silver maracas of doom!
  • - Actually got pretty wasted over new year's eve, courtesy of Cyril. ( lovely merlot, shiraz, grigio, brrgl wtf was that vintage againnn{stumble}). Lovely muruku as well- cmon they HAD to have crack in em - nobody could stop!!! cue the silver maracas of doom again!


  • - Got a guy to swap seats so could kacau Charl for the flight back. Against insurmountable odds, guess who got a seat directly behind me? Yup. Never stood for so long in the plane. And guess you could say i had a sampler of whats it like to be in the mile-high club. Without all the fun bits. While being incessantly harangued (Defn: Harangue - A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a tirade.) Stupidly believed all of it. Caved in a week-ish later.
  • - Warwick Malaysian Night madness begins. Rehearsals almost every other night. Sarah was in charge of the play, i was in charge of the intro dance and interval performances. Everything else heavily delegated , such as dikir and dinner performances. Arrangements held quite well so far.
  • - Barely three weeks in again, the drama resumed. Same reason, same circumstances. Lo and behold, the ulcers return. Vowed never to make same mistake THRICE. Pfoof ulcers gone. Seriously.


  • - Needless to say, rehearsals got kinda weird, expecially since they're now everyday. Somehow managed to get all the dances prepped in time, thanks to the other choreographers! Props to huey chin, nynna and also shivani!
  • - CNY 2005. Made steamboat and Pimms for everyone. Deja vu, no? Major debauchery followed, as one would expect after a bottle of vodka, JD, and red absinthe. Hilarious photos.
  • - Last week of rehearsals. Dances coming along fine, just some last minute hoo hah about costumes due to the props manager mostly too busy poking her nose in dikir barat. Thankfully someone put her in her place (cough ME cough)! Props again to shiv, sangeeta andfor getting the costumes sorted!
  • - The week leading up to mnite was kinda hectic, what with 2 lab deadlines also adding to the confusion.
  • - 19 feb - Mnite!! Everything went down well except for some technical glitches with the mikes. A big hand to all the talent involved, especially you singers! Note to self : make sure next year's play does NOT go on for a full hour , especially if said play is a talkie contemporary with no musical interludes. ( skzzz....snoorgkkhh...haahhHH time to go backstage again?) Thanks to all of ya who came down from far and wide!
  • - Msian night withdrawal syndrome? didn't have any last year, and i aint gonna start now niggaa! Finally got to play Half life 2: i think i picked up a coupla signs that i might be playing a bit too much- besides the sleep loss, of course( dont worry if you dont get it , you most probably wont unless you've played too)I swear i didn't rip this off any other site:

1. Everytime you hear a chopper in the distance you instinctively think of tapping the '5' key twice and doing a 360 of the sky while backing into a roofed building.
2. Everytime you see a barrel, crate, or god forbid, an empty bottle you feel the urge to reach out with something and throw it far far away or at someone.
3. When you hear 'crabs' you think 'zombie' instead of 'chilli' or god forbid, anything else(scratch scratch).

More recently.....

The Soul Nation this weekend was a helluva lot better than the last. For one, large women grinding into you out of nowhere wasn't nearly as bad as dodgy looking men asking you where you're from (shudder). Mostly it was a heck lot better cos a lot more people we knew went. Followed up on my promise to cook for the dancers ( made Indian!) and had a bit of a booze up after dinner and before soul nation. From the way we were all laughing cock before any actual drinking you'd guess we've already emptied all the liqour in Westwood. After the rollocking Soul Nation we had a typical Amar sleepover ( where no one really sleeps) where everyone polished off the leftovers, had some tea and watched eurotrip, of all things.

And that explains why i wasn't able to get up in time to dash to London for UCL's mnite. Sorrrryyyy Elle, Puteri, Alina and all you other UCL peeps! Nanti pegi London i belanja Haagen Dasz aaah! At least the Saturday wasn't wasted - we were just randomly milling around Bar Food playing foosball when some random nice vietnamese folks brought us into FunkAsia for free ( it was an MSA, singsoc, vietnamese, chinese, thai, pinoy and HK thingy). Good show, free drinks, and the quintissential slightly malu-fying Malaysian party games!

Two more weeks to go to the end of term.....we've already got a trip to amsterdam planned!! Anyone want some space cakes?(wink wink).

Again, sorrr-hay for the long hiatus and the loooong update. Select photos to follow( and some schweet old-school ranting too)!

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