Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Thar he blows - off the starboard yarn! Arrr!!

Sor-or-or-heee for being off radar for like, almost a month. ( Whoa, randomness - serious deja vu). Well i was away for quite a coupla days off to my other hometown, but i've been languishing away at home most of the time besides the cybercafe trips(gettin really boring) and the odd movie. Saw I, Robot ( not too bad at all) House of Flying Daggers ( typical kung fu flick ) , Mean Girls( hilarious), King Arthur( mediocre) .

Not having too much fun on nights out due to a random 12pm curfew by my parents ( thanks to the Darren Kang case and some other random shit) . Otherwise i've been reorganizing pretty much anything in the house i can lay my hands on. Strangely reticent to go online, much less start up MSN or even blog. Why you ask?

Like a ton of bricks, one by one on the ballss

Yup its my results. Even after expecting the worst it kinda hit me hard. In a nutshell, managed to scrounge a clean pass score-wise, but failed programming hideously, and logic too. Could have sworn i did better on at least a few of the theory papers. Funny thing is, programming is the only thing you cant fail or retake. Needless to say i definitely wont be going to second year computingat IC. As of press time, im still trying to smooth over a course change and also deal with Petronas about it. Possibility of staying in IC's kinda grim at present, so i'm also liasing with some other unis with possibilty of another place.

Needless to say all this is taking a heavy toll on my stress , sanity and ...well everything. Luckily all the drama in my house was confined to just a few days - my father himself failed his medics a coupla times ( ended up with an agric. degree) but my mom's another story. All the emailing and waiting aside, i havent been sleeping well at all and my eating patterns are totally off whack. If it werent for the odd hours out with friends i would have totally gone mental.

Thats about it. Lets not talk anymore about that - anyone who raises this issue to my face will lose a kidney or two sooner than he or she can say "hey at least then its lucky that you havent signed any lease contracts yet". Obviously this covers any sanctimonious "i told you so's" , any sentiments of pity or any patronizing. I'm already lost enough hair( brushes more off his keyboard) thinking about what went wrong, post mortems and shit. I will get through this. I will redeem my honor. ( amar ululates) .

On the flipside, lookin forward to see you guys from down south this weekend! I'll see if i can get my curfew revoked for a while....

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