Sunday, May 30, 2004

Leeeet's start today's post with a little gem i found while faffing around :

Two men have been sitting out on a lake all day long, ice fishing. One has been having no luck at all and the other has been pulling fish after fish out of his hole in the ice. The man having no luck finally leans over and asks the other what his secret is.
"mmmmm mmm mm mmm mmmm mmm mmm."
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"mmmmm mmm mm mmm mmmm mmm mmm."
"I'm sorry, I still didn't understand you." The successful man spits something into his hand.
"You've got to keep your worms warm."

Booyahh - i wish i can be there to see that smirk/wince or even hear the 'ewwww' comin from ya!

Anyways, I've been in a rather evil-ish mood for the last coupla days. Probably its a smidge of stress from having to do really well on the next lab exam or finishing the coursework on time - oRrr it could just be from having to put up with a heap of random crap from random people. Personally i think its either the full moon or just something hormonal ( which is strange, as finally returning to regular gym sessions should result in a more chilled, mellow me). Spent the better part of the day tongue-lashing people and ploughing through anyone who got in my way on a grocery run to chinatown. You'd think i learnt before not to go on a saturday - sheesh. Had i been either an agoraphobic or claustraphobic i would have died like, a thousand times over today. Screw it if it sounds gay - i feel like a class A primo bitch todaaaayy!!

Later Sunday night i made Pho again ( vietnamese kueyteow soup, pronounced 'fur'). Jadi jugak Lionel suddenly got 'reminded' that he had bar duty we just brought our food down and ate at the bar. As luck would have it the other local girl doing bar duty lived in Thailand for a coupla of years and sOMeBody let it slip that i'm half thai so i got stuck making small talk with her while the other guys slooowwly drifted away - damn you all!! Haha don't get me wrong its not like she's a nauseatingly hideous wench or anything but i was just noooot in a very layan-ing mood today ( refer to previous paragraph).

Saw Troy Friday night. Well shot, amazing action sequences and all but the story was kinda mangled. Adding the odd love interest or two is fine ( it IS Hollywood) but killing people who aren't supposed to die and vice versa while getting all the other nonimportant fine details correct is just...well...Hollywood. I wouldn't presume to bore anyone with the list of inconsistencies though. But still - coooool fighting.

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