Monday, April 19, 2004

Meme (pron. meem): A contagious information pattern that replicates by parasitically infecting human minds and altering their behavior, causing them to propagate the pattern. Individual slogans, catch-phrases, melodies, icons, inventions, and fashions are typical memes. An idea or information pattern is not a meme until it causes someone to replicate it, to repeat it to someone else. All transmitted knowledge is memetic.

DAmN memes...first it was that stupid 'all your base' shit ....then it was 'BadgerBadgerBadger'... then now its 'Annoying Asians'..well skipping a few hundred in between anyway. This particularly irritatingly funny yet annoying one has got a coupla of us miming the moves and actually learning the damn korean lyrics over the last coupla nites - especially not good for studying....damn all internet memes.

Basically rained the whole freakin day sunday - cold and windy too. Just on friday it was a nice, sunny 20deg celsius - actually had a picnic at hyde park. Played football, ultimate frisbee aaand captainball. Gyaarh damn you, you catchphrase-stealing hallmates - gotta keep coming up with new ones ( "Bah!"). ALso kinda got ever so sliightly hooked on eBay a coupla days ago - luckily that didn't last for long. Progressively getting back in the groove of doing some serious work - gotta make a vow to do at least ONE all nighter at the library....

Oh yeah...while randomly faffing about online while 'trying to study' i chanced upon a site full of random funny videos, flashes and the like - eBaumsWorld. One particularly funny one is here and this will either leave you laughing in fits or sitting blankly going "wtf" again and again. Anyways, enjoy.

p.s. sorry about the delay in putting up the europe trip photos.... we still haven't finished sorting them out( hee hee hee). No promises, but they'll probably be up in a week-ish. In the meantime, cHiLLL.....

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