hedon·ist(n) - One who pursues or is devoted to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
narcis·sist(n) - The attribute of the human psyche charactized by admiration of oneself but within normal limits.
Amar(n)- The individual who regularly showcases the two previous aspects of his rojak-ed psyche and occasionally, a little more, on this waste of server space, html and bandwidth.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
You know its not your day when you show up for that long needed medical appointment with the uni health center and the receptionist tells you that your doctor has been taken ill as well and that they'll hook you up with another checkup tomorrow.
Before anything else, here's a shoutout to Tecks for turning 22 yesterdaaay! The crazy sod actually managed almost 30 shots of absinthe, vodka and tequila - double what he did last year w00t! Just celebrated with cake, liqour and cranium with the flat.
From the wholesome shots...
To the slightly less wholesome..
Almost there... He's a pointer isnt he?
The last photo has been deemed a bit too teruk to post. Kesian Tecks a bit la. I'll put up this photo of a cute kitten instead. Aaaaaawwww fuzzyywuzzy kewten's wickin his widdle pawsie woosieeee....
*EHEM* But yeah the party was a successsss!
Anyone hungry?
Managed to make kuih akok last week. Just followed the basic recipe online and improvised the rest. Jadi jugak weii..
Tried something new yesterday. Warm prawn salad with miso & coriander vinaigrette dressing. The dressing?
3 tbsp ex.virgin olive oil 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar few drops sesame oil 2 tbsp lime juice 1 tbsp miso paste 1 pinch chilli flakes 3 cloves garlic 1 inch ginger knob 1/2 cup coriander leaves
Just bung everything in a blender or chop finely and mix with a spoon. Goes well with quite a few salads.
Made my generic chicken pasta thingy today. The proportions vary, but a good base recipe would be:
2 chicken breasts/3 drumsticks filleted and diced half an onion 4 cloves of garlic 1 can of tomatoes balsamic vinegar to season - oregano, thyme, chilli flakes, salt, pepper, fresh coriander
and as much pasta as you bloody well like. Also, this is not to be taken with cheese.
This is just a random scatterpost while i'm sick of doing like, 3 courseworks simultaneously.
Here's a little something from XKCD. Its a bit of a geeky comic but quite funny sometimes.
Mmmkays back to faceb...i mean wooork!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Dammit the photo upload function works again. Was hoping its still down so i have an excuse to procrastinate on blogging - which means right about now i'm quite fucked, as blogging is already procrastination. Amar pussyfooting on blogging is like *insert your own lurid, shocking and possibly blasphemous analogy*.
Listening to: More or Less - Talib Kweli Feeling: bummed out from being a skosh sick-ish
First of all, a public service message.
To all you lovely people on Facebook, especially the new ones:
EASY ON THE (#&*%^)&^%#$ APPS!!!
The first few apps were fine. Cheeky, fun and not too bandwidth-consuming. Then things started to get a little crazy. Vampires. Zombies. Werewolves. Jedi. Sith. I already had an ominous feeling when you can post songs and videos on your page - "ohhhhh shit this is going to be JUST like Friend-effing-ster"
In some ways, its even more annoying than Friendster now. Bar the customizeable interface and automatically streaming videos/music some FB pages are just chock full of oftentimes useless little apps that fill up your cache and tire your scrolling finger. NO, im not Interested In you and NO, i do not want to pet whatever roundish fluffy creature that is and dont even get me started on Entourage/Top Friends.
NO. Non.Niet.Nee.Nein.
Come to think of it, if you construe poking as a sexual innuendo ( from its humble beginnings as a "nudge" function to a one-click message that says "I don't know you but you're hot so i want to add you as a friend with the remote chance that i might eventually get to have sex with you" on those random FB stalking runs) most of these new apps also bring it on in heaps, from the not so subtle Are You Interested or Naughty Gifts or more hidden gems that somehow get to you subliminally ( or if you have a convoluted mind) which brings me back to petting random small furry things.
So please, for the sake of uber-procrastinators and mousewheels everywhere, cease and desist with the apps!!!
To get in the Raya mood a coupla weeks ago, i resorted to Youtubing for some Raya ads. While most were nondescript or just plain lousy, there were a few good ones.
Well where adverts are concerned, a "good" one means just particularly memorable either by the virtue of being hilarious, lame-to the point of being hilarious, and touching.
Petronas brought out the big guns again this year i see.
Yes Petronas makes excellent ads. But do they ALL have to tug so hard at the heartstrings? On one hand, its kinda hard to make funny ads on religious or cultural occasions but some of these Petronas ads are just overkill. One thing i can definitely NOT recommend is loading up all their Raya, Chinese New Year and maybe their Merdeka ads, and watching them in one go. You'll either be really depressed, be overwhelmed with guilt about how you could have been better/kinder/more respecful towards your family/elders OR just be out of tissue paper. Maybe all three. Their Deepavali ads, on the other hand, are usually hilarious or equally poignant, but not as heartwrenching. Of worthy note is one Deeparaya ad with a happy ending, where one guy actually says "What? Think all Petronas ads someone must die ar?"
Also, is it just me, or are more and more of the CNY/Raya/Deepavali ads sticking to the "ungrateful child+ageing parents" theme?
TV3 also had Yasmin Ahmad make a hilarious one:
I just LOVE the part where she buys the cempedak goreng.
Also on Yasmin Ahmad - just realised that her movies ( well Sepet, Gubra and Mukhsin anyway) are scored very well. From keroncong to Italian arias to French jazz, the meaning and mood of the songs always fits the characters and scenes to a tee.
If you havent seen Mukhsin, find a copy. IMHO, its better than Gubra (too much diverging to the side story) but not as good as Sepet, especially in terms of its critique on certain aspects of Malaysian, especially Malay culture. She is no pencemar budaya. She's just an honest storyteller.
Last weekend was crazy. Soul Nation was okay, but would have preferred to have an alternative DJ in the cooler. Pictures!
After , like, 3 hours of sweaty sweaty dancing it was kinda hard to wake up in the morning and go early to London. Managed to leave in the afternoon and travel non stop straight to Kak Rash's open house. Came a leeeeetle late so meet most of the Pet & London folks but we sure closed down the party. Dapat tapau w00t!!
I guess we weren't in a hurry to leave because for most of us who stayed on it was our final raya together in London. So sakan lah carik benda nak buat from hosting an improptu kursus kahwin ( yes Alina its your fault. Saper suruh you kawin this year?) to watching x-factor to helping the caterers clear out.
Was hoping for a quiet , productive weekend in but nooooo.
1. Heat on Friday. Sorry Woon, Foong, and other *orientals* . Heat was as Indian as ever. Well i got my Reggaeton so i was happpy. 2. Woke up at 9am the next day to catch the pursuit cycle class. Worth it! 3. Fell bloody sick AGAIN before i could catch up on sleep. At least its just light sniffles sans migraine this time around. *TOUCH WOOD*
Stopped by at Hurst 21 before Heat for fresh baked muffins courtesy of Mars. Traded in what was left of my akok ( yay jadii!!) for yummy triple berry muffins. Of course you cant expect Amar to sit idly and watch as freshly baked goods lay across the table with a can of spray cream and strawberries....
Hmn never knew i could make strawberry roses. Must have seen it on TV *Heroes reference*
Hmmn i thought i quit doing that pout. I blame it on the sugar.( No Mars they're not too sweet. You just let me eat too much of em)
Anyhoo's its Teck's birthday today. Happy 21st mannn!!! Dont eat too much of your (lovingly handmade by Sangeetha and yours truly) Lemon Lime cheesecake! Later how to get you drunk at topB?
You might also notice that this is a particularly late ( or early ) post. My sleep schedule is permanently disjointed. I'll probably need another weekend to set it straight. Or a whole day of ponteng-ing. We'll i'd probably get another hour of work done before i zzzzs.
"I want him dead! Yesterday! Before breakfast! Before eggs-ah!" -Laszlo Gogolak, The Whole Ten Yards
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Feeling : like there's a civil unrest in my stomach and a fireworks show in my head Listening to : my Amy Winehouse playlist
I think the combination of all the Raya food and lack of sleep wasnt too good for me. Wicked sore throat since Sunday that blew into an all out fever, as always. For some reason i've been getting violent-ass migraines as well. Nothing double doses of Neurofen can't sort out though.
But it was an alright London Raya la.
Saturday -
Joined parents on the train to London, and crashed with them at the Mara apartments. Went to the Mara open houses up and down the building. Rendang lemang lontong ketupat kuih raya and the lot. Then tagged along with them shopping around Picadilly and Oxford circus - managed to make a quick stop at Hamley's to pick up Cranium!
Wanted to bring them for dinner at Addies, but the whole place was booked up. D'oh. Went for dinner at Mai Sushi nearby instead but still tak puas so i tarpaued the radna from Addies.
Sempat jugak pegi all the way to Mudchute to catch Shivani at her housewarming.
Bahan yous still lookin good, but your directions were CRAP.
Since i was gonna miss the last train anyway, made a stop at Notting Hill for more nibbles at Fazuras' ...and was reminded of how utterly FUN it was to wait for London night buses. Sunday
buuuut then the best part was, i finally managed to drag the parents to Nobuuu for sunday lunch. Lucky i made reservations earlier.
Salmon tartare with caviar and spring onions in soy sauce and wasabi. Okay technically its just pulped salmon sashimi served in kicap but yummmmmmm.
Soft shell crab rolls
Seared tuna and sea bream salad with their ponzu dressing
The signature Nobu black cod. Nice but not THAT amazing
Beef Teriyaki
Beef Teppanyaki
..and the sushi platter
We were a bit the malas to go to the MSD raya. Dahlah most of the people i would want to see wont be there, and with the circle/district line down gettin there would have been a real pain in the ass. Managed to meet the girls later at Carluccios on St. Christophers though.
Not in a particularly ranty mood tonight. Just tired and migraine-ny. Just particularly irritated with the fact that half my floorspace is taken up by other people's crap. People who arent bothered to arrange to pick it up or confirm shipping. Eh aku bukan luggage forwarding agency okay? And Tocil rooms arent particularly roomy - despite what Hurst people might claim.
Oh yeah and the post around here has gone to shit. British work ethic + strong unions = fuckedupness. Its like the only people who havent been on strike are the Police. Its a bloody knock on effect. With Royal Mail striking whenever they bloody want to, all post have to go by couriers. Not only can they not handle the load, now they can also charge a premium for their services. Try buying anything online now and see how long the bloody postage takes.
Haha confirm la kalau ada claim form i bawak sindri terus pegi MSD kat London.
Raya at Tocil
Fazura and myself macam open house sikit sikit la at Tocil this Wednesday. She made laksa sarawak ( i had like 4 freaking bowls) and i made otak otak, thai glass noodle and prawn salad, and pandan jelly. Everyone tengah suffer suffer pedas pon bantai gak.
My stomach is still seriously reeling from that dinner. *violent stomach noises*
Tomorrow! Soul Nation !w00t!! I've got my ticket, have you got yours?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Listening to: My musicals playlist. Perky is good. Need perky Feeling: A little hoarse in the throat - boo. Technically its already Raya today - yeayy!
I think its a scientifically proven fact. I blog only and ONLY when i'm procrastinating.
My Raya is going to be quite sad weh. My parents are already in London, and will be coming in Cov Friday afternoon, and i will be running between the workshop sorting out my project heat treatments and the group meeting for the MEng group project ( designing and making a gantry to support PIV apparatus to analyze the flow pattern out of a jet engine)
ANd i think i'm falling sick. Thats is man after this weekend i'm catching up on some nice and proper sleep . Shoulda asked the folks to bring the Dreamcatcher from my room. Been having a bloody lot of WEIRD dreams lately.
Whoever left the StackEm/Jenga set in Flat 32s kitchen is either an evil genius or the devil himself. We started by playing it after dinner to see who would do the cleaning up, and then the forfeits for losing kinda scaled up.
High stakes Jenga + Hon Win's loaned bicycle carrier bag = naughtyness Henceforth, it was decided that the loser would be bundled up in his bag, left outside the door of an absent flatmate, and his or her door was knocked. Guess who was first up!
Pfeh they left me outside Joanna's room, she came out but didn't open the bag. Lauren happened to pass by - i didnt hear what they said but she kicked the bag so i just popped out. Not a great success.
SO i had to do it again. This time it was outside John's room. He didnt seem to be in.
So whatever la. Next round it was Sangeethaaa!
The Setup
The Jab
Heh it was fun shits.
The Raya shoot last Sunday was also t3h b0mb.
Finalists FTW!
Best.Raya.Pic.Ever. All we need now is the non-video-still version
Sigh wish i had that Doraemon door. Wouldnt mind a quick trip to Borneo Rainforest for some delish shisha and pasta.
Can't wait to see you London folks in your Raya finery ;P
Monday, October 08, 2007
It's been a while hasnt it?
Yups boys and girls its that time of the year again - when deadlines are looming ( i know man, Tuesday week 2?!?!?!) and i'm pulling out all the procrastinating stops. Nicely tucked away in a corner of my desktop is a folder of photos and little notes and quotes that i've been meaning to blog for aaaayges.
But i'm 50% lazy and 50% percent actually trying to keep some time left over for work so letsh just start with bringing ya up to speed with my summer in phok-ohs yeh?
**Summer 2007**
Hung around in July for the lucky sods on three year courses' graduations, and also managed to get some work done on my 3rd/4th year coursework. Had a quick trip to The Hague, and a quick pit stop at Amsterdam on the way back.
Den Haag. boring boring boring boring.
Urrh yeah i just happened to pass by the Shell HQ. Pretty.
Met some interesting ( albeit early sleeping) folks on my night in Amst - stayed for a night in an 8-bed hostel room. Found some pretty brill shops further out in the student quarter - one noteworthy mention was this gorgeous chocolate shop - "Puccini" - that had great handmade chocolates in all sorta funky flavours. Kinda pricey though.
Faaast forward to the end of early August - Flew back on the 29th of July, and had like, 5 days in town before I had to go off to the Petronas Re-orientation. First 5 days was at Agrotek all the way in Ulu Langat - a forest reserve/chalets/function rooms kinda place with a proper warung.
Basically it was 5 days of seminarstalks case studiesgroup workskits roleplaying mandi sungaiwater polo6meals a day40 man dorms zero phone reception aaaand of course zzzBlisszzz After that, it was 4 days at a homestay program in Negri Sembilan. The homestay program? mandi jeramakad nikah kenduri gotong royong inspirational talks to schoolkidsmatmotonessfantastic stories by mr. suhudfood with santan santan santanhyper chatty little kids and cowshit slaloms.
Yeah this spot aint so quiet when its water polo time.
Where kids go to chill when there's no malls or shisha places.
Ze host family and the other two blokes who got put in the same house.
After all that, Dad had some ASEAN energy thing in Singapore, so i joined him on the flight down and took the bus back .Helped the old man sort out the papers he was presenting (and kept a few interesting ones. Colin Oram sure interested one) and managed to catch Darren and Jac for makans. And a city F1 track in Singapore? a NIGHT city F1 track in Singapore? This should be interesting. Expect a random cockrant on that sometime soon. I have a feeling i'm gonna be seeing this view a bit more in the next coupla years.
But yeah after that it was a really fun, chilled out summer. Was practically at Rhasta almost every other night shishaing and talkin cock ( and picking up quite a bit about banking hahaha). It was brilliant - managed to catch up with so many old friends, and some new ones too.
Man serious everyone's face be gettin round yo..
Sri Cempakaaaa , megah berdiriii-iii....
Thank god that some of you guys are still around in London. Still so many places unseen and un-makaned and so many shows on the West End i'm still dying to catch. And of course they're the uber-babi japanese buffets too. And there's always Addies' & Masala Zoooneee!
Sigh too bad schooo many of you guys wont be here anymore in London. Next Petronas annual briefing just wont be the same...
Less than a week to raya! woooot! The folks are comin down this weekend for raya and a quick hop around Italy too while i'm stuck here. Pfeh. Can't wait to eat again in daylight thouugh.
Oh yeah quite sad also - this year's Raya photo shoot in Warwick will probably be the last one for a while, seeing that Raya will fall like, on the first day of term next year. At least we got some extra silliness in the photos aye?
I'll just finish off with a quick music plug - been listening to a lot of Rilo Kiley. Also, the new Korn unplugged CD(who woulda thought that was a good idea hmmn?) , Talib Kweli (LOTS of good tracks and collabs) and Katie Tunstall. On a more local side - also some good listenin from Tangga, Samsons, Ahli Fiqir & Anuar Zain.
And if you havent heard of Project Pop, go youtube them or something. They're freaking hilarious - some of their classics are "Dangdut is the Music of my Country", "Jangan Ganggu Banci", and you have GOT to see this one - "Dugem vs Metal" FYI, "Dugem" is a portmanteau from dunia gemerlap - Indo slang for like, clubbing, karaoke and other glitzy nightlife pursuits. Seriously the lyrics and the video - tergelak sampai nangis i tell you.
This is also a damn catchy song ( well okay most people think it sucks) but even tho the video buruk sikit the tune is damn catchy, and the song is hilarious if you get the lyrics. Basically this woman is taking the bloody piss out of this rapper she used to date.
Oh and i think i've finally pimped out my desktop to the max. Now i gotta join at least one CompSoc Lan party to show it off at least once. Oh and to find out if anyone's hosting a DC++ server on campus as well. hur hur.
Yes overkill i know. But isnt it just purty? I've got an Intel DC E6750 sharing a water cooling loop(240 mm radiator) with an OC-ed 7900GT and its only 18C on idle! *geeky snort*
MMkays time to get back to woooork. Just gotta run down to the kitchen for a nibble first. Tataaa! I'd post some of the raya pics but since most of you guys are on Facebook anyway, yeah fuckit ( DAMMIT thats 6.50 quid now iniit?)